Monday, December 2, 2013

Finally attempting to own up to my blog title

If you haven't noticed-my blog name is marathongirl. read it as you want. either way.

it has MARATHON in it. If you haven't noticed.....


After days and weeks of questioning if this new running self can honestly pull off running a marathon-I have come to the conclusion that yes, I will be embarking on this journey February 2, 2014. I wish I could say I was 200% sold that I can do this-however I am not, and I don't think I will be fully sold until I cross that finish line-26.2 miles later.
it's official y'all!
 I know I am not physically created to be a runner; every time I long run I am pretty sure a year of my knees are taken out of my livlihood. But I love it, crave it, think about it all the time; it's the love of my life. I somehow enjoy the numbing pain of walking the day after I long run. Okay-maybe not...but one day I'll get there! I do know that I need to accomplish this though.  There is no way I will be content with looking back on this time of life and not doing one. anthem is my picture below.  The story of this marathon.

my life anthem right now.
So I have completed 13 miles, and it was the EASIEST 13 I have ever ran, and it gives me hope that if I actually follow through on my training plan to increase ONE mile a week (last time..I attempted to skip, which caused my failure) then I will hit 20 miles 2 weeks before the big race.

Here goes something!
lookin' cute, feelin' cute-judge away.

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