Sunday, January 26, 2014

The 2 weeks that I never thought would happen

Well-there is/was 3 weeks total between marathon #1 and marathon #2.  Everyone told me nothing significant would happen in those 3 weeks; to just stay where I am at and that is good enough.
Do I ever go for 'good enough'? Usually not.
I did my last extra long run on Thursday afternoon, and I could feel I was going faster than I was used to, but I wasn't really that tired so I kept treking.  And...17 miles later I realized I MAJOR PRed. I am simply in awe of what I am able to do in one year of running.  Excitement doesn't begin to describe how I felt. OH, and the last 8 or so were in snow flurries.  That made it feel all the more beast.

I have been running with the Clinton running group these past 2 weeks; my time has gotten sickeningly fast. Like-I always looked at the people who ran this fast as if they were from another planet. Let me tell you-we aren't, we just like to run.  A lot.  My last 10 mile run I ran at an AVERAGE pace of 8:40, doing negative splits every time (that means you go faster each mile).  The last 5 were all legit under 8:30, and ending with the final mile at 7:50.  Again, I was so in awe and thankful that I woke up that morning, because I almost didn't!! I am so glad for my new running friends to encourage me, and push me, but still all have the time of our lives doing so.
The shoe pic, and then my outfit for church-new tights and scarf!
After Blues I decided I wanted to get used to a fuel belt, and get some new shoes.  So, since Stinky Feet didn't have the shoes I wanted, off to Fleet Feet I went.  They were out of my size of the shoe I was looking to, so I opted to try a new brand of shoes, and get some other random running accessories. AND one of my other new running friends, Joey, surprised me with a BLUES 26.2 sticker.  I am sporting it on my iPad cover and will always sport it.  I love it!

As I am not a fan of tapering, I feel the need to post this on my door or something...

For a laugh of the day: for us runners who have been asked these questions, to some of you actually asking the questions.  It's QUITE accurate. My favorites are: 5, and 15.


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