Thursday, May 8, 2014

Livin' the training life... #augustabound

It has been one month since I posted that I was going to do the 'impossible'-1/2 IM Augusta.
One month of psycho training.
One month of even more training buds.
One of the happiest months of life, honestly.
One month of swimming, biking, and running til my heart is ready to explode.
One month of blood, sweat, many tears, and mostly blisters.
One month of many of pushing myself until I thought I couldn't go another second.
So I want to share a few pics of my various training groups for each sport.
One of my solid bricks on a perfect day.   LOOK AT THAT VIEW!
First would be my weakest, swimming.  I think it's funny how Tri's go from my weakest to strongest.  I am a SLOW swimmer.  But I am consistent.  So-this was my first open water swim, besides my few lake swims last summer in a calm lake.  The Rez is not calm, nor a lake.  So.  It was great!
Also, let's talk about the fact that this summer I can even swim in a sports bra and nikes.  I can't help but remember where I was last summer-so desperately wanting to be able to do so.  We have arrived.
Longest swim: 1.25-52 minutes
Swimming in the Rez.
Next would be riding.  I have met two wonderful people, Chris and Lez-who are training for Augusta thankfully also!! Lez and I have decided she is my tri big and I am her tri little.  They have been quite helpful with my knowledge (or lack there of) of riding, and triathlons, yet still feeling the same thing I am because they just started in Tri world last season too. I love that I have found solid people that ride the same pace as myself too!  One thing that will change SOON (as in this weekend) is that I will be getting clips, cleets, and TRI SHOES for my bike.  Enabling me to go faster, and be a 'real' cyclist! I am so ready to get rid of these flat pedals, put some work in, and start hitting some 20's soon!
Longest ride: 45-2:30
Riding with some peeps.  I am that pink shirt, and that is Lez pulling!
And let's not forget heart and soul.  I run everyday, but Wednesday.  Morning runs are kind of a given at this point.  I walked into my voice jury and the first they asked me is if I ran that morning-I responded with yes sir-I woke up at 4:20 to make sure I could!
Best run: 6 -47 minutes
A few of 'the guys' that I run with 3 times a week.  Oh how they make my week sane, and deal with a random college chic.
Props to Bill for this one! Dang train paused our run.
So with all of that.  I want to take a moment and reflect on the fact that, without EACH person to swim with, to ride the soon hundreds of miles with, and to run the countless miles with, NONE of this would be happening. So thank you to any,and all who have ever run/rode with me.  I am immensely thankful for the triathlon community I am becoming a part of in Jackson, and can hardly wait to get more saturated within it this summer after I come back from Peru.

SO.  I go to Peru in a month, and to be honest I am terrified as to what my body is going to do: from going to training twice a day, to HOPEFULLY running most days, and the random work-out video.  I am aware I will gain a few lbs., but I want to experience the culture of Peru to the fullest, while still remembering that I am training for 70.3 miles.  Here's to finding that line-FAST.

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