Well. I realized I didn't ever blog about my last race and I am about to embark on another. So. Time to back up a few miles (pun intended....)
I ran rock n roll NOLA with a plethora of buds. The main one that started it all would be my casers. We had decided a while ago that I would run with her to get her NEW 1/2 PR OF SUB 2!! So. Plan. Done. Then I realized I was going to semi-spontaneously RUN A 50 MILE RACE FEBRUARY 7/8 (more on that later) so I needed to make NOLA a spontaneous 30 miler. So. Here's what happened this day.......
We 3 repped FF happily and off we go to start our race. Wished Peter well, and shortly after continued...
So Case and I lost each other at a water stop. DANG. So...we are both aimlessly running in the thousands of people close but not able to find each other when all of a sudden I ran into my running family!! We ran a LONG while together and it was SO WONDERFUL to see their faces and chat races with them and wish them well for their upcoming first FULL marathon! :)
So. My buddy from work, Emma, was updating me on Peter and helping me find Casey. Found!
Get Casey across sub 2. Check.
Go back a little bit more to find Erica, my kindred spirit of life, and enjoy her company and see her get her first 1/2 PR! WHAT UP PR'S ALL AROUND!
So. I leave her, go back .70 or so and jump on the full course. By this time I am on mile 17, and the course is on 13, so I am right on track to get to 30. SCORE. The miles are flying, and I find a friend around my mile 22, and ran with him my 'last 4' before I stopped for a break to get a NEW SPONTANEOUS MARATHON PR!! (3:47!! :D)
So. Check. About 3.5 miles or so from the finish and I am walking because everything in me wants to stop. Tears are falling left and right, shuffling of my feet (that mile took about 23 minutes! HAH), and texting my friends asking for someone to come get me (marathon brain at its' finest) because my feet are just aching like nothing I have felt before. So after feeling sorry for myself, I sit down on the curb, take off my *new......* shoes, tie them to my race belt, and run the last 5k shoeless.
So. Tip. The statement is true. New shoes. Bad idea. Oh well. Live and learn. My blister the size of my pinky told me so.
SO. Long run number....I don't remember any more done.
Now. ONTO what's coming this weekend.
My tri bud, Hal, and my new found friends Matt and Helen are running the Iron Horse 100 miler. So. After running 31 that one time with them they joked seriously that I should come and pace Hal. After a few serious jokes and thoughts I committed. So. I'm not driving to FL to run 25 miles. Go big or go home dude..gimme that 50 miler! So. They start 7am Saturday. I'll start with Hal around 5ish PM, and we will finish who knows when...ETA is 7am Sunday morning. Feel free to pray for our safely and finishing abilities. #gimmethatultra
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